
Agile Introduction

Agile Manifesto Value Statements

The series you are reading currently is the Agile Introduction Series as part of the large set of Agile material. I find it useful to remind leaders, project manager and teams of these when necessary as part of coaching.

Going back to the value statements and principles is helpful when guiding the why, especially if agile is new, agile ways of working or agile workstreams are not going as expected.

The value statements summary is presented below. Refer to the agilemanifesto.org site for more information.

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Value Statements

The agile manifesto contains 4 values

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

These value statements may be catered for in different ways depending on the agile methodology or framework you choose for your team, but the core value remains as valid today as they were when written.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Have respect for people. Those in your team, or in other teams upstream / downstream. Thinking about those doing the work. Respect plans made by others.

Working software over comprehensive documentation

There is so much to cover here. Documents should not be artefact used to pass the stage gates to get to production. Rather review and evaluate the software build objectively.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Project Statements of Work may not support agile projects, changes in prioritization etc. Collaboration is key to successful outcomes. Of course contracts and funding may be required when scope changes.

Responding to change over following a plan

This does not imply there is no plan. Accommodate requirements and changes throughout the plan to support business outcomes. Leaders, business owners and Product Owners should remember value 1 - Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools.

I detail more aspects of each statement in my slidedeck on this subject.

A full slide deck is available to discuss the value statements and principles as found in the agile manifesto, with key points of discussion noted for teams to consider. Email if you need a copy or would like agile manifesto values and principles presented to your team.